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Verbs are probably the most important English language words that an English speaker must know. In every type of sentence, you must use at least one verb to make a coherent sentence. Non-native English speakers face many problems as they often are unable to identify and change the forms of verbs.
That’s why we are going to discuss, ‘The Top 100 Verbs You Should Know for English’, and their Past and Past Participle form in this article. Furthermore, we are going to learn whether the verb is Irregular or not.
Verbs are the action words in a sentence that describe what the subject is doing.
Example: I drive a white car. She is going to the market.
Here, the verbs are drive and is going. They are describing what the subjects, I and She are doing respectively.
Verbs are often described as the ’doing’ words. This signifies that verbs are the part of the sentence that explains what is happening. Verbs and nouns are the main part of a sentence. In fact, you cannot construct a proper sentence without a verb. For example, even in the most simple sentences, I am; Lily jumps; have a verb. Every verb has three forms, they are Present Form, Past Form and Past Participle Form.
There are two types of verbs.
Regular verbs form their past form and past participle form by adding ‘ed’ at the end of the base verb. If the verb ends with an ‘e’ then simply a ‘d’ is added at the end of the base verb.
Call → Called → Called;
Report → Reported → Reported;
Like → Liked → Liked.
Irregular verbs form their past and past participle forms in different ways. You cannot simply add an ‘ed’ or a ‘d’ at the end of the base word to form the past and past participle forms. In case of irregular verbs either all the verb forms are same or two of the three forms are same or all the forms are different.
Put → Put → Put;
Drink → Drank → Drunk;
Sit → Sat → Sat.
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